I’ve always thought of traditions as those yearly activities that connect our present to our past. We just hauled out the bins of lights and ornaments and “decked the halls” for Christmas. Tradition!
Rituals, on the other hand, are those activities that bring a regular rhythm and grounding to my life. I pray every morning. I brush my teeth. I walk the dog and exercise. Without rituals, my life would be chaos.
Receiving Eucharist is something of its own category. It’s a two-for-one combo. It combines ritual and tradition. Eucharist keeps me connected to God. Eucharist helps me feel part of the larger community. Both ritual and tradition are active in the receiving, consuming and knowing that Emmanuel, God with Us, is always with us in this sacrament.
Which rituals do you need in your life? What traditions do you look forward to this time of year? Which ones no longer serve you?
love this!